Reembedding Finance - Papers

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Abolafia Mitchell, “The Institutional Embeddedness of Market Failure: Why We still Have Speculative Bubbles”

Beunza Daniel, “Models, Reflexivity and Systemic Risk: A Critique of Behavioral Finance”

Chambost Isabelle, “The consensus of security analysts: An institutionalized cognitive artefact”

Godechot Olivier, “Getting a Job in Finance. The Strength of Collaborative Ties”

Lenglet Marc, “The ‘Algo revolution’: rising machines and the coding of practices”

King Leslie, “From ShareHOLDERS to ShareOWNERS: The Fledging Movement to Empower, Educate and Incite to Action the Owners of Corporate America”

Langley Paul, “Liquidity Lost: The Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis and the Troubled Asset Relief Program”

Lepinay Vincent, “Theories of insider trading between Economics and Law”.

Martin David, “Embedding CDS: How Far Should Credit Default be Swapped, Commoditized and regulated?”

Maurer Bill, “Interoperability, Extraction and Reimportation: Experiments with Money and Mobile Technologies”

Mikes Anette, “Counting Risk and Making Risk Count: Metrological Dramas in Risk Management”

Millo Yuval, “Hedge Fund Connectedness and the Emergence of a Consensus Trade”.

Morgan Glenn, “Constructing Financial Markets: reforming Over-the-Counter derivatives markets in the aftermath of the financial crisis”

Poon Martha, “From New Deal Institutions to Capital Markets: Commercial consumer risk scores and the making of subprime mortgage finance”

Smith Ned, “Amplified Interfaces: How Organizations Identity Affects Investor Reaction to Market Performance”

Svetlova Ekaterina, “Some Ideas on Refinement of the Uncertainty Concept”

Tadjeddine Yamina, “Emergence of a New Regulation: Informational Disclosure Modalities in the Hedge Fund Opacity World”

Vargha Zsuzsanna, “Demonstrations: the role of interaction in making financial products and consumer needs coincide”

Velthuis Olav, “Performing transparency. The European Central Bank’s communication policy and its interactions with the media”.

Williams Karel, “All’s well that ends well? The difficulty of reforming finance and the necessity for rethinking capitalism”.


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