Pierre Lescoat

ESCP Europe

Laboratoire principal : ESCP Europe.
Autre affiliation : HeSaM - CNAM - Labex Networks - Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

Adresse professionnelle :
79, avenue de la République
75010 Paris

Sujet de thèse : Accounting and the marketization of performance: A journey into the lives of London financial-markets professionals

Directeur de thèse : Professeur Claire Dambrin


Some eminent accounting scholars have recently called for a programme that would explore the possible interfaces between accounting research and the social studies of finance (Hopwood, 2009; Völlmer et al., 2009). My main research contributes to this emerging field, as it plans to investigate deeper the organizational context of financial markets, as well as how organizational structures, culture and power relations affect the markets through the use of accounting technologies.

As secondary topics, I am interested in the spread of economic and financial rationalities in everyday life, refering to concepts such as Foucault's biopolitics and governmentality. Also, I am interested in understanding intersections between professional logics and gender, through the lens of the hegemonic discourses of masculinity (Connell, 1998). 


Lescoat Pierre, 2013, «  « Ces corps qui comptent » : Quel est l’impact des stéréotypes de genre sur la construction de la performance des opérateurs de marché ?  », mémoire de Master sous la direction de Professeur Claire Dambrin.

Dernière mise à jour : 22/01/2021
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