Association founded in June 2000, ruled by the French 1901 law on associations, established to promote interdisciplinary scientific research on the world of finance.


The complex world of contemporary Finance is overflowing the boundaries of Economics. A comprehensive understanding of the transformation of financial markets, banking industry, and corporate governance needs the intervention of new approaches that can deal with all the dimensions of such phenomena. The sociological approach applied to financial markets has recently shown the relevance of its methods and tools. Some recent works in Economic Sociology, Cultural Anthropology, Political Sciences or Science Studies are pointing out the specificity of financial cultures. Some contributions from Economics, such as Institutional Economics, the Regulation School or the Economics of Conventions, are entering into a fruitful dialogue with those approaches. We think that a new field, best defined as “Social Studies of Finance”, is emerging with the common objective of following Finance through Society.

Assemblée générale du 4 juillet 2019

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[Member] Valentine Floriani: plus ici|more here

[Member] Alex AMIOTTE SUCHET: plus ici|more here


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Association Loi 1901


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